Orville W. Forté Charitable Foundation

2020 Grants

Amount Purpose
Youth Programs
Aaron's Presents $5,000   program
Adolescent Consultation Service $10,000   program
Boston Scores $10,000   general operating support
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras $10,000   program
Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester $10,000   program
Dove $5,000   program
Elevated Thought $6,000   general operating support
Epiphany School $15,000   general operating support
EVkids $6,000   program
Friends of the Children Boston $10,000   general operating support
Generation Citizen $5,000   program
Hope and Comfort


Hyde Square Task Force $5,000   program
MARE $10,000   general operating support
Mothers for Justice and Equality $5,000   program
My Life My Choice $10,000   program
Plymouth Philarmonic $5,000   program
Rise Above $5,000   program
School on Wheels of Massachusetts $10,000   general operating support
Silver Lining Mentoring $10,000
  general operating support
South Street Youth Center $7,500
  general operating support
Trinity Boston Connects $10,000   program
Turning Point Center for Youth and Family Development $5,000   program
Artists for Humanity $2,000   
MARE $2,000
Newton Food Pantry $10,000   
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence $2,000   
Total grants $205,500