Orville W. Forté Charitable Foundation

2021 Grants

Amount Purpose
826 Boston  $5,000 After-School Writing and Tutoring Program
Adolescent Consultation Services  $15,000 Direct Mental Health Services for Children and Families who are Court‐Involved
Apprentice Learning  $10,000 LaunchPlus (or general operating if program does not run)
Beacon Academy   $10,000 general operating
Bellesini Academy  $15,000 After-School & Evening Study Program
Big Sister Association of Greater Boston  $10,000 Investing in Greater Boston's Girls: Mentoring & Enrichmen
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras  $10,000 Intensive Community Program
Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester (BGCD)  $10,000 Healthy Meals 
Breakthrough Greater Boston  $15,000 general operating
Chica Project   $10,000 general operating
Cristo Rey Boston  $15,000 general operating
Discovery Museum   $12,500 Especially for Me program
Dove  $10,000 YouthSpeak program
Epiphany School  $10,000 general operating
Evkids, Inc.  $8,000 Tutoring for At-risk Boston Youth 
Hope and Comfort  $12,500 Hygiene Product Distribution to Low-Income Youth in Greater Boston
IFSI  $7,500 PLUS After-School and Summer Program
Inversant   $10,000 general operating
MARE  $10,000 general operating
My Life My Choice  $10,000 general operating
Nativity Prep  $10,000 general operating
OUT MetroWest  $8,000 general operating
Rise Above  $10,000 Activities for Foster Youth in Greater Boston
School on Wheels  $10,000 general operating
Science from Scientists   $10,000 general operating
Silver Lining Mentoring  $10,000 general operating

Total  $273,500



Artists for Humanity $2,500 $2,000
Newton Food Pantry $12,500
Play Ball Foundation $2,500

Total grants $205,500