Orville W. Forté Charitable Foundation

How to Apply (revised December 1, 2019)

Please complete the following forms:   

   1. Grant Application Cover Sheet
   2. Grant Application Narrative
   3. Budget Summary Template

Click here to download zip file  Do not submit substitute forms.


In addition, include the following:

   4. Financial statements for your most recently completed fiscal year*
   5. Your most recent audited or reviewed financial statements*
   6. A list of your directors or trustees
   7. Evidence of your 501(c)(3) status


Please note:

   * Financial statements for your most recently completed fiscal year may be either preliminary or final. Financial statements must include both balance sheet and income statement.
   * If audited or reviewed financial statements are not available, please substitute a copy of your most recent Form 990.


Please combine all items in a single pdf in the order listed above; applications submitted in more than one file will not be reviewed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed, so please be sure to include all seven items.  If you have any questions, please contact info@owfortefdn.org at least one week before our application deadline.


Please send your application to apply@owfortefdn.org by February 15th.  Late applications will not be reviewed


The Grants Committee reviews complete applications and makes site visits during the spring and summer.  Grants are awarded in the fall and paid by early December.